Tabitha for Relief and Development
Tabitha is a local Lebanese civil society actor, registered with the Ministry of Interior in Beirut since 2016. Tabitha is implementing a community-based protection program as well as projects with gender or child-focus in Beirut, Mt. Lebanon, and in Batroun, North governorates. Tabitha is an active part of the local NGO coordination mechanism and coordinates within the UN-led coordination mechanism at governorate and national levels.

Community Centers in Aley- and Batroun Districts
Tabitha has set up two community centers where vulnerable refugees and host community members can come together. Through these platforms Tabitha provides a safe, caring and supportive environment for the community around it, offers protection services, emergency assistance for overly vulnerable families and provides life skills development activities in order to strengthen participant’s economic skills.
Tabitha uses the social work methodology that encourages refugee and host community members to engage with each other. Social workers engage with each beneficiary that approaches the center and prioritize needs, activate positive coping mechanisms and plan their stay in Lebanon. The methodology helps greatly in building trust.

Promoting sexual and reproductive health of Syrian and Lebanese

School Feeding Programs

Aid International

Child Protection Projects
Tabitha is always present for its community, especially during the activities planned for each event in the several community centers: Batroun, Aley, Achrafieh.