Aley Community Center – November 2018


We wanted to do more, but realistically, we could only do so much. We were actually thinking of doing a repeat of the novels-in-verse theme in the near future, we shall see how that goes.

As part of Tabitha Relief and Development operations in Aley Caza, the community center staff has conducted conflict resolution sessions targeting a group of boys and girls from the Lebanese and Syrian communities between the age of 14 and 17. The interaction between the group members was full of positivity and constructive feedback.

After 3 sessions, the youth has started leaning towards understanding the conflict and finding solutions instead of increasing the tension with every obstacle faced.

Conflict transformation is now considered as an essential tool and an approach that can help in strengthening the ties between the refugee and host communities leading into the establishment of a solid social cohesion. Such interventions remain vital in order to ensure that the conflict transformation approach become embedded in the daily life of the targeted communities.